I field a lot of questions from students about recommendations. Who should I get them from? How many should I have? Can I use a coach? Do I only ask teachers who gave me the best grades? It can be confusing and daunting to choose, as students want to make the best impression possible to college admissions officers.
Different schools allow different amounts of recommendations, but a good rule of thumb is to have at least two teachers who have taught a student in core academic classes, and then go from there. Some schools will allow recs from a coach or other teacher or community leader who knows the student well. Some schools even ask for, or allow, a peer recommendation. It's important to check each school you are interested in for their requirement. Guidance counselors will also be required to provide a report/recommendation for most schools.
I found this great article that sheds some light on the topic that I encourage you to check out.
My extra note on this is to ask your teachers fairly early in the process, give them your resume, and meet with them to discuss your goals. This will give them a chance to write a more comprehensive, detailed, and personal letter about you that will impress admissions officers.