Lately, it seems I keep having conversations with parents of Freshman and Sophomore students in high school who think that college considerations and visits should only happen during Junior year. I highly encourage you to start earlier than Junior year. Researching, discussing, and visiting schools in 9th and 10th grade can get students excited and motivated to do their best in high school.
By developing a goal towards schools they like, students are more likely to increase engagement, study harder, and keep momentum going. They can start to decide on places that might be their dream schools and work towards doing what it takes to increase their chances for admission.

From a planning perspective, it’s also nice to spread trips out over three years instead of cramming them all into a single year, especially as students are starting to feel more stressed and overwhelmed about the impending application process as their Junior year progresses. Incorporate college visits into other trips you are already planning. If students are interested in particular geographic areas, perhaps make it a road trip to cover a few at a time.
At most college tours I have attended, the room is pretty evenly divided between students in all grades of high school. Sometimes there is even an 8th grader in there! So don’t worry about the idea that you are starting too early by visiting before Junior year. Schools are happy to welcome you.