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Dream School
College Counseling

Plan Your Path to Success

Every student has a different version of what constitutes a Dream School and is uniquely drawn to places and programs that best fit their interests, personalities, and education goals. The process of gaining admission, though, can often be a bit stressful and overwhelming.

At Dream School College Counseling, we're committed to helping teens identify and pursue the best school for them. From assistance with school selection to one-on-one application guidance, our full line of services are tailored to meet the needs of every family and student. With our help, there's no need to stress about the process. We will help you present your best self to your Dream School and improve your chances of gaining admission.

Services + Resources

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Individual Services

One-off services, including resume guidance, essay review and editing, scholarship application review, and more.

College Guide

A comprehensive guide on how to find and pursue your dream school, including high school involvement, the application process, and more.

Package Services

Options include 1:1 consultation, regularly scheduled sessions and follow-up, a formalized plan advisement for students to reach their goals, and more.

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